Mocirne's comments on Fugly

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On Monday, March 23rd 2009, in videos, Mocirne wrote:
Haha, there are still mindless Obama fanboys out there even after the endless series of gaffes he's making? Come on, that was so January 2009! You liberals shouldn't have this much attention span! Especially kindbud whose short term memory has basically been chemically destroyed down to a single neuron. :P

On Monday, March 23rd 2009, in pictures, Mocirne wrote:
No, he's definitely a freak, and my only hope is he and I both live long enough so I can see him when he's 80.

On Saturday, March 21st 2009, in videos, Mocirne wrote:
This annoys me. You drop two little harmless atomic bombs on them and you have to pay for it for the rest of your life by having to endure videos like this.

On Saturday, March 21st 2009, in pictures, Mocirne wrote:
Hitler was a National Socialist, which is an unrecognizable version of socialism. Socialism can degrade into mutated forms, such as fascism, stalinism or communism, which is why it is inherently flawed, and has been proven through history to lead to as much misery and deaths as any brand of fascism.

On Saturday, March 21st 2009, in videos, Mocirne wrote:
Every single one of those chanting, screaming protesters should have been tazed until their eyes burst out of their heads and their brains melt into puddles. Or they could have been taken care of like the Comedian took care of his rabble in the Watchmen.

On Thursday, March 19th 2009, in pictures, Mocirne wrote:
Doesn't that kid look like Chris Farley?

On Thursday, March 19th 2009, in pictures, Mocirne wrote:
Okay, I've been on Polk St. in San Francisco on a Saturday night AND been to Burning Man, and still have to give the award of the Gayest Thing Ever to that idea.

On Wednesday, March 18th 2009, in videos, Mocirne wrote:
God's little punchlines.

On Friday, March 13th 2009, in videos, Mocirne wrote:
I would say he's a dangerous schizophrenic. I doubt this "friend's" of his even exists.

On Thursday, March 12th 2009, in videos, Mocirne wrote:
hello meg