pistonbroke's comments on Fugly

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On Wednesday, November 17th 2010, in pictures, pistonbroke wrote:
I didn't say I am south african. In fact I'm proud not to be a monkey fukking racist.

On Wednesday, November 17th 2010, in pictures, pistonbroke wrote:
That should be *wine* bottle. But it was worth a try. Well done on the whole intelligent thing.

On Wednesday, November 17th 2010, in pictures, pistonbroke wrote:
You posted "you're the dumbest nation" when addressing me and talking about America, so you did, in fact, say I am American, fuknut. Your post at 18:51 says "f*ck america, except the female ones" but your post at 17:56 syas "I don't wana f*ck america" so which is it? Do you only want to fukk the men? or are you just into little boys, because they can't fight back? Get yourself straight and come back for another go, I'll be waiting. But please, try to get some consistency next time.

On Wednesday, November 17th 2010, in pictures, pistonbroke wrote:
jy weet waar ek gebore is.

On Wednesday, November 17th 2010, in pictures, pistonbroke wrote:
Once again, for the hard of thinking. I am not American. I don't care how many Americans you fukk. I do see, though, that you boast about fukking American tourists and then state you will not bone the females. Says it all really.

On Wednesday, November 17th 2010, in pictures, pistonbroke wrote:
No, they wouldn't. Grow up.

On Wednesday, November 17th 2010, in pictures, pistonbroke wrote:
Erm, I'm not American. Next time you might want to get the facts BEFORE you start your rant, what with being from such an intelligent nation and all. But well done on the racism, not really a surprise coming from a south african, but that'll change when America is running you properly. I look forward to it.

On Tuesday, November 16th 2010, in videos, pistonbroke wrote:
I cried when I watched this, I did. I laughed so hard I actually cried a little.

On Monday, November 15th 2010, in pictures, pistonbroke wrote:
Because "shopped" is so mature and well thought out? Sorry, you lose that one. If you read the comment I made it doesn't mention anything about her being attractive, I merely pointed out that you have no concept of female weight lifters, so you lose that one, too. You also resorted to the lamest childhood response, ie. the "girlfriend comeback" which is the very embodiment of immature and also quite ridiculous, so that's number 3 you just lost. Not doing so well, are ya? Now fukk off back to whatever hole you crawled out of, or bring something serious to the table. At least TRY to get things right, that'd be a start.

On Thursday, November 11th 2010, in pictures, pistonbroke wrote:
That's not a problem, one day you may get a "special friend" of your own and then you'll understand. I bet he'll be a looker, too.